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Sequencing of capped 5' mRNAs.


Service for high-sensitive 3'mRNA-sequencing by MACE-Seq for genome-wide gene expression analyses of any poly-adenylated RNA, incl. pat. WO2009152928A2. Suitable for a wide range of tissues and input including single-cell-, FFPE-derived- and other low-input or partly-degraded RNA.


High-sensitive smallRNA-sequencing using the TrueQuant-smallRNA-Seq kit for the analyses of RNA-molecules with a size of 20-80 bps, including miRNA, piRNA, siRNA. snRNA/U-RNA, snoRNA, srRNA, tRF, ysRNA viral or bacterial RNA; pat. nr. WO2009152928A2.


Service for high-resolution transcription profiling by full-length RNA-Sequencing of poly-adenylated or non-ribosomal RNA.


Analyses of formally ribosome-bound mRNA-fragments (ribosome footprinting) for the analyses of the translatome using our high-sensitive TrueQuant smallRNA-Seq protocol / kit based on pat. WO2009152928A2. The service does not incude the isolation of the ribosomal-bound-RNA, the latter must be provided by the customer.


Service for high-sensitive analyses of tRNA fragment (tRF) based on our TrueQuant-smallRNA sequencing protocol and kit (pat. Nr. WO2009152928A2), which was adapted for increased performance for tRNA fragment analyses. The results will also include other smallRNAs.

Targeted Metagenomics (16S)

Analyses of 16s rRNA-coding regions (V3 and V4) for high-resolution quantification of members of bacterial communities by NGS.


Sequencing of PCR products by NGS for the quantitative and qualitative determination of the different PCR-products /amplicons. The results are displayed in a table showing the sequence and its abundance.


Sequencing of the coding regions of genes from the human genome after hybrid capture using the Illumina whole exome sequencing chemistry 2.5.









MACE-Seq Kit

MACE-Seq kit for in-house preparation of high-sensitive 3'mRNA-Seq including patented UMI-adapters (WO2009152928A2) for genome wide gene expression analyses of poly-adenylated RNA.

TQ-SmallRNA-Seq Kit

TrueQuant smallRNA sequncing kit including patented UMI-adapters (WO2009152928A2) for high-sensitive smallRNA-Sequencing of any RNA between 20 and 80 bps, suited for EV-derived and single-cell amounts of RNA, detects miRNA, piRNA, siRNA. snRNA/U-RNA, snoRNA, srRNA, tRF, ysRNA viral or bacterial RNA.


Kit for region-specific extraction (RSE, Generation BIotech) for target enrichment prior to sequencing by NGS.

GXP-16s V3V4 rRNA Kit

Kit for amplfication and sequencing of 16s rRNA-coding regions (V3 and V4) for high-resolution quantification of members of bacterial communities.

TrueQuant DNA Library Preparation Kit

TQ-I5; Dual Index Adapter with p7+p5 UMI Index

TQ-I7I5; Dual Index Adapter with p7+p5 UMI Index

TQ-DNA-Seq-Library-Preparation Kit

Bioinformatics for MACE-Seq

Bioinformatics for smallRNA-Seq

Bioinformatics for Targeted Metagenomics (16S)

Bioinformatics for Exome-Seq

Bioinformatics for DNA-Seq

Bioinformatics for RNA-Seq

Bioinformatics for Aptamer-Seq

Bioinformatics for 5'-MACE-Seq

Bioinformatics for Amplicon-Seq

Bioinformatics for Shotgun Metagenomics

Bioinformatics for tRNA-Seq

Bioinformatics for ATAC-Seq

Bioinformatics for Degradome-Seq

Bioinformatics for Methyl-Seq

Bioinformatics for Ribo-Seq

Bioinformatics for CoV-Seq

Bioinformatics for Whole-Genome-Seq

Bioinformatics for Genomics

Bioinformatics for Transcriptomics

Bioinformatics analysis of transcriptomic features like miRNA, piRNA, tRNA and mRNA.

Custom Service